
All information about the company and the product areas can be found here at any time.

Welcome to our new website!

Ischebeck TITAN Middle East has launched a completely redesigned website, reflecting a modern, user-focused approach to providing geotechnical and formwork solutions across the Middle East [...]

The Rahmede Valley Bridge of the A45
Temporary excavation support with TITAN micropiles

The Rahmede Valley Bridge along the A45 motorway, completed in 1968, spanned the Rahmede Valley and State Road 530, north of Lüdenscheid, Germany. In December [...]

Refurbishment at great height
TITAN Aluminium Megashore System

The TITAN aluminium Megashore system has been chosen for the refurbishment of a beam at 22 metres height. Safety and experience were the main reasons [...]

Safely transfer tension loads up to 1390 kN

The new Eye Bolts for TITAN Micropiles can be used for any type of tie or guy ‒ in both temporary and permanent applications. They are [...]

ISO 45001 certification for occupational health and safety management

We are delighted to report that we have achieved ISO 45001 certification for our commitment in the area of management systems for occupational [...]

NEW: Quickset Roofbolt TITAN 26/15
The efficient one-step stabilisation method for mines and tunnels

The STUVA Conference is a not-to-be-missed event for all national and international tunnelling experts. Ischebeck, too, will be there in [...]

ISO 14001 certification for environmental management

We are delighted to report that we have achieved ISO 14001 certification for our commitment in the area of environmental management. This certification underlines [...]

Get to the top. Safely!
Access options for TITAN aluminium Megashore system

Scaffolding and falsework must always be set up from a safe area. During such work, technical and organisational measures should have priority over personal [...]

NEW: Quick Strike - Fast lowering where extreme loads are involved

Quick Strike is an accessory that can be retrofitted to TITAN adjustable aluminium legs. It simplifies striking where extreme loads are involved – with just a few [...]


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