ISO 14001 certification for environmental management

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We are delighted to report that we have achieved ISO 14001 certification for our commitment in the area of environmental management. This certification underlines our ongoing efforts to promote working methods that are sustainable and environmentally compatible.

ISO 14001 is an internationally acknowledged standard for environmental management systems that specifies the criteria companies must satisfy in order to measure and monitor environmental impacts and continually lessen those impacts. Certification verifies that FRIEDR. ISCHEBECK GmbH meets the strict criteria for environmental management standards laid down by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Andreas Janitzky, environmental manager at FRIEDR. ISCHEBECK GmbH, expressed his delight: “ISO 14001 certification represents a milestone for us. It confirms our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, and verifies that our products correspond to the highest environmental standards.”

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We are delighted to report that we have achieved ISO 14001 certification for our commitment in the area of environmental management. This certification underlines our ongoing efforts to promote working methods that are sustainable and environmentally compatible.

ISO 14001 is an internationally acknowledged standard for environmental management systems that specifies the criteria companies must satisfy in order to measure and monitor environmental impacts and continually lessen those impacts. Certification verifies that FRIEDR. ISCHEBECK GmbH meets the strict criteria for environmental management standards laid down by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Andreas Janitzky, environmental manager at FRIEDR. ISCHEBECK GmbH, expressed his delight: “ISO 14001 certification represents a milestone for us. It confirms our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, and verifies that our products correspond to the highest environmental standards.”

Dr. Lars Ischebeck (managing director) and Andreas Janitzky (environmental manager) are delighted with the ISO 14001:2015 certification
Certificate ISO 14001:2015
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